Current-stock HS float valve - black Viton tip and sprung pin
Slightly conical seat (lighter ring)
0.070" orifice on the left, 0.096" on the right. Both for steel-tipped inners, no apparent conical seat.
Some suppliers show a red tip and a different sprung pin, this listed as WZX1100 from Rimmers
Many suppliers show current-stock HIF valves with a filter, this from Rimmers
Wear ridge (arrowed) in the steel tip led to slight seepage, but only when the ignition was on with the engine stopped for several minutes
Rubber debris caused running problems, this with some very expensive imported Gates Barricade hose in an effort to protect against ethanol (Peter Ugle)
More running problems for Peter just 300 miles later, having replaced the hose after the previous episode.
Gates Barricade to be replaced with more conventional hose!